Resident Fund Donation-Auto Payment

Resident Fund Donation-Auto Payment
Picture yourself as an orthodontic resident many years ago. Your pitiful, skinnier self. You were surviving on the dollar menu, and wearing the same scrubs you wore the last 4 years of dental school. So thirsty for knowledge, that you soaked up everything you were learning like a sponge. Now that you're more of a brillo pad than a sponge, it's hard to remember how valuable those continuing education meetings are to our residents. Every year we donate $18,000 to Baylor residents for meeting travel expenses throughout the year. In addition, we pay for their rooms, food, and meeting expenses for the alumni meeting each year. This is only possible due to our generous alumni that donate each year to the fund. Please consider setting up autopay to make yearly donations to this fund. You can also make a single donation through this link (donate). Thank you!